Friday, November 9, 2007

The taco conoco cat returns

I'm looking at the clock and it says blog:30. That can only mean one thing! It's time to get a new clock.

My musings the other day on the writers' strike made me think. If the Daily Show can go into reruns, can a blog? For instance I found my old Journal and feel I should share this little snippet:

"I’ve been thinking about palindromes a lot lately. So for I’ve come up with “bird rib” and “taco conoco cat”. We had a conversation back in Denton about a guy who came up with one that was several hundred words long. Scary."

There's no way to imbed html code for canned laughter, is there?

A new palindrome for ye: "word row".

I saw Mark McGrath at a concert yesterday. I met him back in '98 or so through my brother. He's very nice and told me that he came across my MySpace page. That makes me wonder who else has viewed this cyberspace that I don't know about...

Dear Pauls (Simon and McCartney),
If you're reading this, I'd love to play in your band and open up for you.

Dear Joni Mitchell,
I like your music a lot. I tell people that you're my musical mother. I don't smoke cigarettes like you do, but I'd like to go on tour with you.

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