Thursday, November 1, 2007

grip tape worm

Dear internet,
I hope you had a spooky Halloween. Mine was grand. My costume involved a cardboard cowboy hat. I'll leave it at that until I get the pics online.

Today I've got a little rehearsal on the schedge with my brother Nick for the first episode of the Talking Music Show. We're going to dust off an old favorite from the Hexum Bros. Tour.

Yesterday I had a conversation about my tendency to find a hobby or subject that is new to me and obsess about said matter until I become a "trekkie" on the given topic. Cases in point: The Lakers, hot tea, The Shins, Wayne Shorter, West Wing, Apple Computers, etc. It's akin to a mild form of autism. This tape-worm-like ability to digest a topic is why I play many different musical instruments. I hope nobody convinces me to try crystal meth or these blogs could take a turn for the worse.

Tennis is my flavor of the year. I have the privilege of calling Venus and Serena Williams friends. Venus gave me my first tennis lesson, and, thanks to my skills at Simon Says, won a racquet at a party that Serena threw. Because of this I feel that I'm cosmically required to become a good tennis player; people who play tennis their entire lives and don't have the good fortune to be friendly with two of the all-time greats. With that in mind I've been playing tennis four or five times a week for the last month, and I'm actually starting to feel like a tennis player and not just the owner of a fancy racquet.

It's strange watching tennis on TV when you're used to watching the NBA. It's as quiet as a library during play, which is disconcerting at first. The upside is: you have a zero percent chance of hearing Soulja Boy in between points at the French Open. Each time I hear a piece of "Crank That" a little piece of my soul withers up.

This is also a good time to mention that I'll be back in Omaha to sing the National Anthem and an original song for rock-n-racquets". Andy Roddick and Serena will both be there (and you can bet your grip tape I'll be bringing a racquet).

I'm not planning on doing this version:

1 comment:

crazymagashi said...

awesome! I wanted to play tennis for a while, but it didn't work out too much. Have fun! Oh and don't do meth, please!