Wednesday, November 14, 2007

corn-fed blogging

A couple of items of interest in the Open to Close/new album department:

-The album cover is done and has been posted online for your viewing pleasure.

-I'll be uploading "Open to Close" to iTunes today so it's ready to go on sale when I get the discs back from the printers. I'll be picking up a thousand or so copies of the album in the last week of November, assuming everything stays on schedule with the duplicator. The album will only be for sale through PayPal, iTunes, and at shows.

-"Beyond My Means" and "Little City Driver" have been added to my myspace player to tempt your eardrums.

-I've posted tour dates in December. Omaha, Columbus, and Kansas City are locked and loaded. Still to be added are Chicago (we're finalizing a venue), St. Louis (there was a wardrobe malfunction on scheduling this gig, but it's still looking highly possible), and Lincoln, NE.

I live in Hollywood. I leave my windows open whenever possible (i.e. not when there are evil particles in the air from rampant wildfires). Because of this I can occasionally hear nearby neighbors arguing. Since there are forty actors to every palm tree it's fun to guess whether these arguments are real or rehearsals for an audition or an acting class scene.

Occasionally I try to listens for film lines I might recognize like, "Oh, I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?" or "My sister! My daughter! My sister and my daughter!" or "go ahead, make my day." So far no luck.

Speaking of acting. I saw "No Country For Old Men" and it was alarming. It's one of those "stick with you"/"scar you for life" kind of movies. Be afraid.

Speaking of scarring you for life, and taking the "moo" out of "movies". I haven't ripped all the way through it, but "The Ominvore's Dilemma" is a fantastic and alarming book. What has it taught me thus far? I bought grass-fed beef for din-din, because cows are naturally supposed to eat grass, not corn. Cows have to have mad antibiotics to make corn digestible to them, and eating grass, if the cows are moved frequently, is better for the environment because it allows the natural cycle of consumption and growth to occur. Bet you didn't see that coming in this blog, did ya? Me neither. This is the part in the story where I get hate mail from my old Nebraska corn farming neighbors.*

*no, I didn't actually live on or near a farm when I grew up.

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