Monday, May 5, 2008


And we're back. I took a "personal week" from my bloggy duties. Being 30 feels mighty nice, and kind of tastes like chicken. Thanks for all the nice burrthday wishes.

I had a heckuva time at Julie G's b-day-beach party on Sunday. I did my best to overcome the competing noise from the drum circle and the relatively chilly weather. I can officially feel my fingers now.

The Lakers are undefeated in the playoffs, and so am I. Of course, I'm not actually playing, so I'll be bringing that up in my post-season interview.

I'm excited about the big Phoenix show this weekend. I wrote arrangements for eight different songs for flute, alto sax, trombone, and bass clarinet. You do the math on the number of charts. Thus far I've been informed that I wrote a treble clef on one of the trombone charts. I think North Texas is knocking on the door to revoke my diploma. In the words of the great Paris Rutherford "feel that!". That doesn't make sense to anyone who I didn't go to school with, but it's real funny to me.

I'm holding fairly strong on my pseudo-vegetarianism, although my mom wasn't stoked "what will I cook for you?" I guess the beef broth with burgers, on a bed of steak won't be on the menu.

On that note. I'm off to lunch.

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