Tuesday, May 6, 2008

fiery-toothed guitar

I'm officially going back to college to get a degree in cryptology. I updated my email (long overdue, dude!), and many of the handwritten email addresses are highly "artistic". I need to stop giving people massive quantities of muscle relaxants at my shows, because this is just not working. And yes, for the record, my handwriting is as bad as most righties when they try to right lefty. I'm just sayin'.

Because of this I did a little informal survey. Lots of people use gmail, hotmail, and yahoo. A surprising number also use "fake.com" or "poopypants.org" as well. Who knew?

My company whilst I worked on the email list assembly line was a live in home performance of Duke Ellington on Digital Video Disc. It was as if the whole band was in my living room, only my living room was Europe in the late 50's (and therefore black and white). Ain't technology grand?

I got my acoustic guitar out of the case after this weekend's beach bash and it smells like firewood. I'm not planning on lighting it on fire to see if it burns, so don't even ask. That would be a page out of the Jimi Hendrix book I don't need to swipe. Playing with my teeth is also not high on my list, although that would've been interesting when I had my braces in high school.

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