Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Number Five is Alive

I'm holding an election. You can only vote once, and there are no two hour time limits. Hopefully we'll also avoid hanging chads, and Florida recounts. You can now host five songs on a music myspace profile, so I'm leaving it (mostly) up to the people to decide which song should be number five. Only three of the new songs have been mastered (Easy For You, What if I, Only a Rehearsal), so those are the only songs from the new album that are ready for an internet debut. Feel free to request any song from a previous album. I'm retaining my right to veto and my right to left, but other than that, it's on. You can vote by leaving a comment on this blog, sending an email through ZackHexum.com, or thru a myspace message.

What else is on the horizon?

My friends in Michael Buble's band are in town to rehearse. I'm buying red paint for an evening or two out and about.

I played lots of bass clarinet yesterday. It probably wouldn't have hurt to practice bass clarinet BEFORE Saturday's gig, but better later than never.

I re-watched the series finale of Six Feet Under last night. I miss the Fishers.

I'm still battling those chords I started on Sunday, but I've had a meeting with the joint chiefs and I think we're going to turn the tides today. Like the Tom Freund song says "I know what you're thinking" and no, "joint chiefs" is not a drug reference.

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