Thursday, March 15, 2007

New songs to be sung

Last night was Brandon Rogers’ swan song on American Idol. I couldn’t be more proud of how he conducted himself on the show. I don’t have any hard feelings toward the process or the outcome. Brandon sang great in an unbelievably stressful environment, and handled himself like a true professional.

Earlier in the show you’d hear contestants who are barely in their 20’s say things like “this is my last chance in the music industry.” How can this be? There is no such thing as a destination for an artist. This is the good news and the bad news. Singers sing, painters paint, and doctors doctor because that is who they are. If it is your path, then you do it because you have to, not because you win a popularity contest, or because it can make you rich. There are between twenty-some and forty-some million people who have watched Brandon sing for the last few weeks. There are a multitude of doors that are opening for him. I feel fortunate to have witnessed and played a small part in a once in a lifetime experience of my best friend.

So what’s next? I have strings to be strung, songs to be sung, and thoughts to be assembled for you and for myself.

My muscles are sore from a trip to the local Y, and I’m anxious to see old friends and to make new ones at SXSW.

Till tomorrow…

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