Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tour Cliff Notes

Where does the time go?

I've got a magna carta sized list of things to do now that I'm back in sunny rainy California.

So I'll write a brief synopsis of the plot from the final week of the December Tour:

Knickerbocker's in Lincoln was grand and started a three day stretch of seeing my name gently misspelled, this time as "Zak Hexum".

Jerry's Bait Shop in Kansas City was also grand. Lots of familiar faces (at all of the gigs, really). Tyson Leslie sat in on keys. He's my hero. My name was written as simply "Zak", no last name. If I become a pro-wrestler, this might be the way to do it.

Rock 'n Racquets at the Qwest Center: the anthem went very well (my dad liked it, too). I give myself an A minus, because there's always room for improvement. I was supposed to go on at 7 o'clock or so. We ended up starting about a half hour late. I spent that entire half hour pacing back and forth and lightly singing "oh say", "oh say", "oh say" a billionty times, so I wouldn't forget the key. This was akin to a basketball team taking a time out before the second free throw at the end of the game, but hoorah, it worked out.

Also, at Rock 'n Racquets, I got to play two points with Andy Roddick. The first one was nice and slow. The second one, he turned up the heat because the M.C. told him he had to rap if he lost the point. I saw my life flash before my eyes when he hit that ball at me. By the glory of luck, I returned one lightning fast stroke, yet was unable to make it to the other side of the court for his return.

Mick's in Omaha was great, filled with friends from elementary school and old high school teachers.

That's all I got for now.

Here's a flyer for Thursday's show:

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