Friday, October 12, 2007

Wood Shavings

Last night, as promised, I partook of a Morrissey concert. His band is great, his fans are hardcore, and his voice has a great presence. There were lots of black t-shirts in the audience, but the skinny black pants weren't as ubiquitous as I had anticipated.

Afterwards we hightailed it to catch The Sheers at The Silverlake Lounge. They are a dang fine band. I have talented friends.

The Lakers owner, and dater of woman one quarter of his own age, has announced he's fielding offers to trade Kobe Bryant. He won't get equal value, because it doesn't exist. I have followed the Lakers for a long time. Kobe is roughly my same age, although we're in different tax brackets, and don't spend a lot of time together. Sometimes I wonder why I follow professional sports and why I don't fill my head with more useful things. You know, like Shakespeare, or the periodic table, or wood shavings. I have no answer for this. Anybody have a table saw and a two by four?

Here's a riddle:
What has eight hands, sixteen strings, and a couple of sticks?

My gig at the Hotel Cafe tomorrow (Saturday, October 13th) at 11 PM!

Ok bye.

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