Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Sorry neighbors. I wrote a new song yesterday. Whenever this happens the stereo goes on repeat so I can get into the meat of what the song is about and where it should go. I'm expecting a brick-o-gram through the window with a "stop playing that song!" post-it attached at any moment.

One of the new tricks I've learned from my TV scoring Yoda to my Luke (a.k.a. my boss) is that if you want your background vocals to sound like the Beach Boys, sing 'em loud! That's a primary feature of yesterday's new ditty. I've been listening to "Our Prayer" from Brian Wilson's Smile, and the a cappella break in "Sloop John B." The sound of that vocal wall is tasty like high fructose corn syrup, but much healthier for you. "Wall o' Vocals" are a new staple of my diet.

Other than my plans at juggling masonry, and high fructose similes it's a simple day over here. I'm off to play some yellow-ball in a moment.

Yesterday I was asked what candidate I'm supporting. I'm leaning Barack, but I've got a lot of love for Hillary. But instead of my opinions, let's think about yours for a moment. Click this link for a non-partisan survey that will help you figure out which candidate you line up with.

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