Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Global warming proved fraud in one day or your money back!

The blog train is back, y'all! Stop number two.

So panic arrived one day too soon. I am not on fire. Griffith Park reportedly is. Today it was 87 degrees, and yet still downright cool in my apartment. I can stop pouring ice down my pants. Phew!

It's been a day of running errands (musicians, they're just like us! They drive all over town handling stuff that they wish they could pay a personal assistant to do!). It's days like these that make me wonder how I've ever had time to eat three squares a day, much less learn to play an instrument. Regardless of that foolishness, the beat goes on, much like the blog train.

I'm having lots of weird errors trying to get ProTools up and running. These are the days where you need your computer to be tethered to something that you can't hurl. I've put in a call to Lou Ferrigno to see if he's looking for work as a computer desk. If I can't afford a personal assistant, I probably can't afford the Incredible Hulk, but the squeaky wheel gets the grease (beauty school dropout, go back to high school).

On the agenda: watching lots of movies tonight to give myself a crash course in movie scoring. Look out Danny Elfman!

Till the 'morrow...

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