Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cold turkey on cold turkey

I have spent the last few days acting like one of those animatronic mannequins from a Disney ride doing the same motion over and over. My motion: eating cubic hectares of Thanksgiving leftovers. I even made a yogurt smoothie out of the leftovers from the homemade cranberry sauce. It was dee-licious. Alas, my binge is coming to a screeching halt as my gravy train runs dry. I'm going cold turkey on cold turkey.

Tonight I'm going to the premiere of the Drake and Josh movie. I'm bringing a little red napkin to use as a mini-red carpet just in case.

Ironically the first two full-length movies I have scored are both Christmas movies. I'm hoping to expand to Easter films in '09.

Happy Holidays is screening in New York this Saturday. This is good news for all of you New Yorkers who are weeping that you have to miss my show in LA at the Mint on Saturday. You can go see a movie with my music in it. Listen closely and you'll hear my cameo as a radio DJ.

Here are the details for the screening:


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