Monday, April 21, 2008

meedley meedley monday morning

Good morning internet. How are you? Don't you know me? I'm your naive son.

I am feeling good, in a Nina Simone-ish kind of way. I'm feeling good despite a couple of not-so-fresh feelings:

I had a weekend of gigs with Drake Bell in Vegas. I've expanded my gambling habit to include blackjack. It felt pretty decent to have won $25 the first night I played. It felt incredibly stupid to have had a net loss of $60 on the second night I played. I think I'm going to stick to music and save the card counting for Hallmark's product managers.

Another idea is bouncing around my head. World food prices are on the rise. It takes 16 pounds of grain to produce one pound of edible animal flesh. I also can't shake conversations I've had with friends about meat contributing to some types of cancer. I love In 'n Out burger real hard. It's a deep, profound, and perhaps unconditional love. I think it's time that meat and I went our separate ways. Like the dude says, "at least I'm housebroken", no wait! I meant the other dude, the one who says "be the change you want to see in the world." And since I'm not planning on morphing into a couple of quarters and a dime, I need to start with red meat. Yes, I'm going to ween myself from the teat of meat. I may very well fail. If you see me on youtube David-Hasselhoff-style, shirtless and surrounded by burgers, that may the time when I admit I'm powerless over a higher power (in this case the higher power of fast food).

The big three-oh is fast approaching, folks. Am I worried? I've had just as many days on Earth as everyone else who's 29 and 11/12ths years old. No, I'm not worried. My (perhaps obnoxious) motto on the subject is: if you live to be 100, you're going to feel really stupid if you look back and realize you've felt old for 70 percent of your life. It also doesn't hurt that I was carded not once, but twice while gambling this weekend. I won't be going out for any high-school-age acting roles, or any other roles for that matter, but I'm happy with where I am, and more specifically when I am.

Don't forget to come to the really big shew this Sunday at Libertine on Sunset to celebrate the aforementioned passing of my 20's.

Now I'm off to practice all my meedley-meedley's...

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