Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Lost Vegans

Happy New Year.

I have a printer. I have labels. I try and combine these two items when it comes time to send out the ol' PayPal orders of the new album. I ran out of magenta ink. You wouldn't think this is a problem, since I don't print labels in magenta (although, maybe that should be my New Year's resolution). However, the lovely engineers at the Brother corporation have deemed that you must have all varieties of ink in order to simply print black. This is poor.

As a result I have been handwriting the last batch or two of orders until my ink gets here (I ordered it online, because it's a whole lot cheaper). Sometimes my mind wonders/wanders when I write these addresses. Yesterday I addressed a CD to a music fan in Las Vegan, NV. Somehow I don't associate vegan-dom with the neon lights of Las Vegas. Any vegans in Las Vegas surely must be lost, no? Welcome to Lost Vegans, NV, the biggest little city in the world.

As you can see my endless appetite for puns (better puns then destruction) hasn't abated in 2008.

I think this is a fine opportunity to make bad jokes like "Oh Em Gee, I haven't seen you all year!"

I don't have a lot of resolutions to put into practice. There are the ever present Kid-A-style "fitter, happier" ones, but in general things seem to be going right on schedule. Mostly, I want to see through a bunch of the ideas that have been bouncing around in my head. The first episode of the Talking Music Show needs to be edited. I have a burning desire to play saxophone, and have been considering getting together a group, or a "combo" as the jazzy folk say, to assuage those feelings.

I'm close to finished with Chuck Palahniuk's "Survivor" and I can't say that I'd recommend it, at this point.

I saw "I am Legend" last night, and I would say that I recommend it. It may not be the most ground-breaking film of all time, but it's definitely entertaining.

Speaking of being a vegan (which I am assuredly not) one New Year's resolution I'd like to put into practice is finding a CSA (community supported agriculture) farm to get more tasty and more responsible meals happening. All this was inspired by my favorite book of '07, The Omnivore's Dilemma.

I'll leave you with the thought that if you're reading this, you've survived 2007, and at least one of my blogs. Health and happiness in the Near Year to you.

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