Thursday, November 15, 2007

Striking Out

It's a good day, folks. The Lakers beat the Rockets last night, despite making more turnovers than a bakery. My St. Louis show came together as did Lincoln. I'll be playing Pops Blue Moon on Saturday, December 8th in St. Lou and Knickerbockers in Lincoln on December 12th. The phone tag with the venue in Chicago has reached epic proportions. I'm considering resorting to telegrams and smoke signals. Despite that I'm optimistic, and as he whose name shall not be mentioned said fifty million times "we're staying the course."

I've discovered it's hard to play tetris if your head is leaning to one side. I was contemplating the day, in a sideways-Rodin-style pose, and all of the blocks were going one slot to the left of where they should've gone.

Speaking of sides and ways, last night a friend told me the other view of the writers strike. The producers (the people not holding the signs) say that they are not making any money off putting the shows online, and that the money to pay the writers what they want for internet residuals would make putting shows online a waste of money. I also heard that the top paid writers in TV get $400,000 a WEEK! OW! That hurts. From reading this blog it seems to be a bit challenging to figure out how much the average writer really gets. Suffice to say, Aaron Sorkin won't go from holding a picket sign to a will work for food sign in the near future.

Maybe MySpace artists should go on strike to get a percentage of the advertising revenue that we bring in! Of course, that doesn't make sense, since musicians need MySpace like Tyrone Biggums needs crack.

I do, however, advocate drug users going on strike against drugs.

And on that note...

I bid you a hearty grass-fed moo.

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